Sunday, October 31, 2010

Paperwork and Study Sessions

There is a lot of paperwork when it comes to working overseas. It goes with the territory. I'm currently finishing up another load of paperwork to send to Interac to start my visa process. I know there will be more paperwork in the future as well as a TB test and a medical exam.

For now, I'm studying my Japanese again. I took Japanese 1 and 2 at a local university while I was in high school, but my knowledge of the language has been failing me since I have had no need to use it. I originally learned Japanese using the books "Japanese for Busy People," but for now I have decided to use the classic "Genki" books. My goal is to study for at least an hour daily until I leave in March.

Meanwhile, I'm substitute teaching and will probably be taking a part-time job at the local grocery store to make sure I have enough income to pay for starting expenses in Japan (plane ticket, rent, groceries, apartment supplies, key money, etc.)


  1. Hi! Thanks for linking to my blog! :) I think you'll have a great time in Japan! I remember how excited I was to find out that I got the job and I remember the paperwork as well... :P Though I think waiting to hear my placement was one of the hardest parts! If you ever have any questions just ask me. :)

  2. I love your blog! I've almost been following it religiously since i found out I had the job with Interac. I'm extremely excited to start work in March/April! ^_^

    So do you think you are going to sign on for another year? My thoughts are if I love what I'm doing over there, then I will probably sign on for another year or two.

    As for questions, I will probably have my fair share of them in the future. Thanks so much! <3

  3. I think I'm going home in March. My main reason to go home is that my boyfriend is there, but if it weren't for that I would probably stay another year.

    I like the work, but I don't love it. But I'm still not sure what I'll do after leaving here so I don't know. I LOVE Japan though! Most of the ALTs I know around here are staying for another year. It's a tough decision!

  4. "Japanese for Busy People,"
    ohh!! want!!
